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You should assume that the Owner of this Website has an affiliate relationship to the providers of goods and services mentioned in this website and may be compensated when you purchase from a provider. You should always perform due diligence before buying goods or services online.

Why Are These Disclaimers Needed?

Throughout this site, I use links to send you to products available for sale at online retailers such as Amazon, Walmart, and others. When you purchase a product through some of these links, I receive a commission at no extra charge to you. Receiving this commission is how I can spend time researching dolls for you. does not accept free samples or negotiate with retailers to write a certain way in exchange for a better commission. My articles are all based on my opinion, which I create by researching product information, customer reviews, and my own experiences with a product. I try to remain as unbiased as I possibly can because I want you to be able to trust my content and feel safe making a purchase based on my recommendation.

You will also notice that I use manufacturer photos and not my own. That’s because I’m a crappy photographer and can’t afford to hire my own. In all honesty, I don’t buy all the dolls, either, but I often go to stores to check them out. Fortunately, I’ve had more than enough experience reviewing dolls that I’m pretty good at decerning good from bad!

And I want to make sure that you know that if you buy a doll based on my recommendation, I want to hear about it! Whether you agree or disagree, any information you want to pass on, I would be so happy to read and incorporate into my articles when I can. Please leave comments or contact me through the contact page.



Author & Researcher